Afghanistan Page
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5 Bamiyan
6 Daikundi
7 Farah
8 Faryab
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17 Khost
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Find Out All About Khost

Khost is one of the thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan. It is in the south-east of the country. Its capital is Khost. It used to be part of Paktia province. The province is montanius and borders Pakistan on the east. Khost was the first city to be liberated from communist rule during the the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
In 1986, the Central Intelligence Agency built a training complex and storage facility for Osama bin Laden in Khost province, where bin Laden subsequently trained 35,000 volunteers. This site continued in operation until it was ordered bombed by President Bill Clinton in August of 1998.
- Bak District
- Gurbuz District
- Jaji Maydan District
- Khost (Matun) District
- Mando Zayi District
- Musa Khel District
- Nadir Shah Kot District
- Qalandar District
- Sabari District
- Spera District
- Tani District
- Tere Zayi District