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Find Out All About Daikundi

Daikondi is one of the thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan. It was established March 28, 2004. The region had previously been an isolated district of Uruzgan province.
It is located about 310 kilometres from Kabul and 160 kilometres from Tarin Kowt.
Daikundi's capital is Nili. Daikundi is mostly populated by Hazaras. 7 out of 8 districts of Daikundi province are Hazara populated areas. Gezab is the only district having with a Pashtun majority. During past eras the Hazaras of Daikundi have fought with each other. It is reported that in these conflicts approximately 70,000 people have been killed.
- Gizab
- Ishtarlay
- Kajran
- Khadir
- Kiti
- Miramor
- Nili
- Sangi Takht
- Shahristan
Daikondi province is famous for having the best quality almonds, which are distributed all over Afghanistan.