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Find Out All About Kandahar

Kandahar is one of the thirty-four provinces of Afghanistan. It is famous for being the birthplace of Mughal Empress Nur Jehan who married Jahangir. Located in the south of the country, its capital is the city of Kandahar. Kandahar province is made up of 17 districts each with its own sub-governor:
- Arghandab
- Arghistan
- Daman
- Ghorak
- Khakrez
- Maruf
- Maywand
- Panjwai
- Raigistan
- Shah Wali Kot
- Shorabak
- Spin Boldak
- Dand
- Miyannasheen
- Takhtapool
- Zhari
- Naish
The current Governor is Asadullah Khalid.
Gul Agha Sherzai was Governor of the province after the fall of the Taliban until early 2004 when mounting criticism of his efforts led President Hamid Karzai to remove him from the post.